钛白粉胶体磨TO2 colloid mill管线式研磨机-发明专利
发布日期:2017-10-26 00:00:00

昊星科技2015年荣获机电行业科技创新型企业和优秀科技工匠、2016荣获浙江省科技型中小企业、经开区级科技型企业、温州市科技(创新)型企业的称号。公司综合了自己的技术优势和客户需求,制造出了简单易用和坚固耐久的JM多功能研磨机colloid mill胶体磨(立式胶体磨、分体式胶体磨、卧式胶体磨、封闭式胶体磨、管线式胶体磨、钛白粉研磨机)系列、管道磨、胶体泵ZB系列、乳化均质机SRH系列、单螺杆泵GS系列、乳化分散机WRL系列、混合机THJ系列、分散乳化混合机SSC系列、高速混合胶体磨浆机、钛白炭黑研磨机、管线式研磨泵、乳化耐磨泵、研腐蚀耐磨研磨泵、高效分散胶体泵、分散匀质机等产品。质量超群、性能卓越,久享盛誉,价格合理深得海内外客商的青睐。拥有实用新型、外观等中国专利多项发明、属国内首创,实用新型,外形新颖,环保节能,体积小,效益高,交货快,价格合理等特点,让你的系统更可靠,更静,更省电。实验室专用机如采购设备单位:中国石油大学(华东)(北京)、北京农学院、清华大学、山东大学、山东农业大学、河北省农业大学、上海医科大学、首都医科大学、南京医科大学、武汉化工学院、武汉生物工程学院、广东药学院、山西师范大学、长江师范学院、广东大学、湖南农大、吉林农大、武汉理工大学、中国人民解放军总后勤部建筑工程研究所、北京友谊医院、厦门大学食品工程,生物科学学院、南方医科大学、厦门大学附属中山医院、宜昌人民第一医院、中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所、中国原子能研究所、苏州非金属矿研究院、新疆中基天然纯化高新技术究所、天津化工研究设计院、黑龙江省化工研究院、南京蓝本科研所、海南省药物研究所、广东省造纸研究所、湖南造纸研究所有限公司等单位。

钛白粉胶体磨Titanium Dioxide管道磨colloid mill胶体磨colloid mill钛白TO2研磨机,白炭黑胶体磨机组系已获国家发明多项专利,温州昊星机械设备制造有限公司是集制造、贸易、科研、信息、服务等多功能于一体的高新技术股份合作企业。公司专业致力于研制生产昊星机械设备/乳品设备/食品机械/化工制药机械设备:胶体磨/湿式粉碎机/胶磨机/钛白粉研磨机/高剪切乳化机/均质机/均质泵/混合机/胶体泵/浆料泵/转子泵/螺杆泵/浓浆泵/卫生阀门管件、实验室用高压均质机、高剪切乳化机(高剪切乳均机_高剪切料液混合机_高剪切均质机、高剪切分散乳化机、间歇式高剪切乳化机、管线式高剪切乳化机、釜底分散乳化机、均质机、乳化机、吸式分散均质乳化混合机、吸粉式混合泵、管线式胶体磨、多功能胶体磨、立式胶体磨、分体式、卧式胶体磨、整体不锈钢胶体磨,封闭式胶体磨,全封闭式胶体磨,管线胶体磨,钛业胶体磨,制药胶体磨,化工胶体磨,乳化胶体磨,沥青胶体磨,鸡精胶体磨,陶瓷胶体磨,大型胶体磨、实验室小型胶体磨,研磨机,湿式粉碎机,超微粒磨浆机,钛白粉研磨机,釉料精磨机,高压均质机,超高压均质机,均质泵,乳化均质泵、卧式杀菌锅、不锈钢饮料泵,离心式饮料泵,奶泵,卫生泵,分体式水粉混合机,立式水粉混合泵(料液混合器_水粉混合器_水粉混合机_液料混合机_液料混料泵)不锈钢浓浆泵,凸轮转子泵(万用输送泵,鞋底泵,三叶泵,胶体泵,colloid pumps)单杆螺杆泵,浓浆螺杆泵,砂芯筛过滤器,砂棒,过滤设备,活性炭筛过滤器,微孔膜筒式过滤器式┃双联过滤器式┃硅藻土过滤器┃卡箍┃活接┃弯头/三通/直通/四通┃快装接头/活接/法兰/盲板/补偿器/阀门┃自动洗罐器/固定冲洗球/旋转清洗球/洗罐球

查询相关产品信息,请登录网址文章来源:胶体磨www.86999999.com 其他相关设备技术详细信息, 可以请关注:· 药化机械设备 乳品机械设备· 多功能胶体磨· 钛白浆胶体磨· 胶体泵ZB系列· 水粉混合设备· 高剪切均质机· 高效分散研磨罐· 螺杆泵GS系列· 高效乳化混合机· 气动浆料泵· 管线式研磨泵· 自动清洗器· 机械密封件· 卫生阀门流体管件


Wenzhou Hao star Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has always been at home and abroad pay attention to the quality of titanium dioxide titanium dioxide titanium dioxide manufacturer of grinding machines have an advanced screening equipment, improved technology, to improve the production environment, ground equipment installations technical innovation, quality and ability to cross the border to the titanium dioxide has played an important determinant of titanium dioxide pre-production work if done well, if the left the grinding equipment such as participation, the quality will obviously be greatly reduced titanium dioxide, which in turn affects the titanium dioxide "worth" and the manufacturer of terminal sales. In fact, domestic producers are aware of this fact, while the original capital invested in recent years really are willing to spend post-processing equipment, titanium dioxide is only a few relatively large domestic manufacturers, such as the use of Wenzhou Hao Xing Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. manufacture of new products, titanium dioxide patented technology Grinding Machine HSJM-W250AC-2; HSJM-W250Ad-2; HSJM-W320AC-2 and so on pipelined dedicated machine, pipe-line connections, can be sealed through the pipeline system of uninterrupted take titanium dioxide, the first to use mechanical equipment Hao Xing Grinding Machine Manufacture Co., Ltd. of titanium dioxide are Dong Jia, Hao P, Ti sea, Hing Mau, South titanium,Titanium Dioxide Colloid mill  in Kuo, Lung-based, titanium, titanium dioxide production of Viagra and other domestic leading enterprises, their previous grinder mainly from the introduction of Germany, about 40 units, respectively, grinding cylinder volume of 500 liters 1000 liters each half to produce the follow-up due to maintenance and spare parts consumption of large and inconvenient. Most of the other companies on to the basic domestic titanium dioxide primary grinding equipment, or even eliminate the post-processing costs of enterprises, the current strong market conditions proved that, after grinding through the fine production of titanium dioxide fine after more than a simple cursory treatment on the titanium dioxide products sold should be Qiaoxiao much more. After the economic crisis, high-quality titanium dioxide 8000-10000 yuan / ton and ordinary titanium dioxide 800-3000 yuan / ton world of difference between the market treatment to a lot of manufacturers believe that the quality titanium dioxide was the last word, forcing them from price competition to quality competition means strategy, in that many manufacturers began to focus on titanium dioxide product quality improvements, including a lot of titanium dioxide industry, "New Horizons", such as titanium dioxide company also joined the new Fu quality innovation wave. It is understood that major national manufacturers titanium dioxide production period and the result of the financial crisis, hardship cases, the new Fu Dioxide Company "by the brain innovation" is committed to increase value-added products, its a way for the upgrading of titanium dioxide products of special quality and excellent performance . In order to make the product better dispersion performance, the new good fortune Company specially imported from Germany worth more than 2000 million yuan grinding equipment, and spared no expense to send R & D and technical personnel flew to the DuPont titanium dioxide and other advanced business study tour, after grinding and other processing techniques, we can see, not only Titanium leading enterprises, domestic enterprises have also begun to focus on small-scale titanium dioxide through the post-processing equipment to improve the grade of products to enhance the market competitiveness. However, this technological transformation operation does not cause the suspect to the enterprise itself, the cost of follow-up on the commission, and grinding equipment, great maintenance costs while reducing their competitiveness.
